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On November 27, laughter and cheers echoed virtually between the jubilant classrooms. The smiling faces of students from Zhenjiang Vocational College in China and Jeonmin High School in Korea were filled with joy, surprise, and fascination as they listened and learned from their international partners.

These students, who have spent the last three months communicating asynchronously through IVECA’s Virtual Classroom, finally had the chance to meet in real-time and share their research to a live, enraptured audience at IVECA’s first Fall 2018 Semester Live Class.

Students discussed and presented their research concerning overconsumption in their respective countries and how this local issue is related to the global efforts in reducing overconsumption as illuminated by the UN Sustainable Development Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production.

Although the problems discussed by both classrooms are manifest in unique ways in China and Korea, these intelligent and well-spoken students expressed also the interrelatedness of each issue and the need to find both local and global solutions. Each student left the semester as more self-aware, more understanding, and more capable individuals equipped with the intercultural skills necessary to solve these shared global issues.

Their Live Class concluding all their collaborative work was a tremendous success, with veteran students and teachers from previous years praising it the best Live Class they have ever participated in. One Korean student thanked his international classmates, saying “this was a very meaningful experience for me and my high school life … I could feel impressed deeply thanks to you.” Zhenjian Principal shared his hope that in fact was demonstrated through this Live Class:

“It is hoped that as teachers and students communicate and learn from each other, they make progress together and benefit the world.”

Youth around the world are catalyst forces in making an impact in society. The Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs) is part of the United Nations 2030 Development Agenda pertaining to education, poverty, health, gender equality, and climate change. Members of civil society, governments, and the private sector are collaborating in the mobilization of the goals and to raise awareness. Youth as #globalcitizens are also empowering other young individuals to make an impact through awareness campaigns and mobilization of the goals.

On November 19, NY-based NGO Youth Representatives to the UN are gathered at IVECA’s Global Virtual Roundtable with Korean high school students in Yongin to share their experiences and discuss the following questions:

1. What does a global citizen mean to you? 2. What actions can you take to improve your community towards SDGs? 3. How can you empower fellow youth in making an impact on society?

Moderator Ms. Aishwarya Narasimhadevara (Medical Women’s International Association) and youth panelists — Ms. Nishat Mirza (Voices of Bangla & iCastNews), Mr. Alpha Diallo (ENDA), Mr. Srinjoy Bhattacharya(NJ Film Club), and Mr. Lucas McKinnon (@IVECAorg)– introduced the SDGs. By demonstrating their project experiences (app development, filmmaking, and the UN newscasting), the panelists shared various perspectives and insights on how students can take actions to achieve the goals. The high school students also presented the action plans that they think may contribute to the development of society.

One of the high school students, Hyunwoo K., reflected on his Virtual Roundtable experience, “I am so thankful to have such a meaningful conversation with the youth leaders who have been actually working with the UN system for SDGs. I wish we could continue to do this kind of activities throughout the year.”


– Organizer and Sponsor: #IVECA International Virtual Schooling – Co-sponsor and Partner: Legion of Good Will – USA (LGW)

Special thanks to LGW for their generous hospitality of the event


Updated: May 8, 2019

On October 18th, IVECA Global Coordinator Hind El Mimouni held an informal Virtual Live Class for our partner schools in Brazil and Korea. What began as a friendly interaction for these classrooms evolved into a warm, lively session to greet one another and become familiar with the procedures of IVECA’s unique synchronous teaching methods. Throughout the hour-long #LiveClass, students on both sides of the camera (and world!) were visibly jubilant and could barely contain their excitement in being able to finally communicate in real time over #Zoom.

This informal #LiveClass allowed students to put a face to the names they interacted with on a weekly basis through #IVECA Virtual Classroom. Student and teacher introductions were met with great energy and positivity. The entire hour was filled with laughter and smiles!

Brazilian students shared informative presentations about their culture and daily lives, while their partners in Korea gave presentations about their own personal histories and individual interests.

After the class presentations, the Brazilian and Korean teachers spoke about their cultural and linguistic similarities and differences and demonstrated how these were instances that both parties could learn from and be inspired by. Our Live Class participants all reinforced their commitment to #globalcitizenship, the importance of guiding their curriculum alongside the #UN #SustainableDevelopmentGoals, and the challenges and rewards that come from an #international and #intercultural collaboration.

This #LiveClass was a resounding success for #IVECA educators and students. Even with the first live interaction, it represented the potential impact of a 21st Century, interculturally competent, and ICT-based curriculum allied to the mission of the #SDGs and #educationforglobalcitizenship.

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© 2025 IVECA International Virtual Schooling

An NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council & Associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications

501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization based in New York, U.S.A.   

Email:   Tel: +1 917-720-3124

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