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High school students from Monsenhor Sarrion in São Paulo, Brazil and Hanil High School in Gongju, Korea hosted their “Live Classes”, the culmination of the IVECA program on December 9th and 10th, 2019. The collaborative event allowed the participants to share their research about actions to counter climate change with positive actions.

After eight weeks of collaboration through IVECA Virtual Classroom, students from Gongju city, South Korea presented factors related to globalization and climate change while suggesting ways to adaptation such as using liquefied natural gas as an alternative fuel to reduce air pollution. According to their research, these connections are related to industrialization, urbanization, and tourism.

São Paulo students, in Brazil, shared their challenges, including the Amazon fire which has been covered by international media. The group described how the Amazon is vital for a healthy planet and why it plays a crucial role for the Planet. They also empathized the current condition indigenous people live and how protection of tribes is essential to the future.

The IVECA Live Class resulted in a vibrant and in-depth discussion about actions both countries can perform for solutions to reverse the situation. Congratulations to both Sarrion High School and Hanil High School for the dedication, research and and participation. Together, those schools developed intercultural communicative competence that will serve both in the future and help to become better global citizens!

Updated: Feb 25, 2020

On January 14, 2020, IVECA organized the World Speech Contest session between students from Hoover High school in Alabama, USA, and Noeun High School students from Korea. The aim of the contest was to inspire each other positively on thematic topics that are reflected in nonfiction literature or news articles from the students’ local culture.

Beforehand, students prepared in groups inspirational speeches related to daily life topics of their interest and that are mainly about perseverance, hope, suffering, competition, relationship and war. During the Live Class students presented their speeches virtually to their global partners through the Zoom platform.

American students decided to use literature to inspire their audience through the book “Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption” by Laura Hillenbrand. They depicted suffering and war during the second World War and demonstrated how perseverance and hope can change our life. Students in Korea introduced the devastating impact of the Japanese colonial period on the Korean citizens and presented icons who helped in spreading love and hope such as Dr. Chang Kee-ryo who made lots of sacrifices for his patients.

The two schools talked about war and pains in their countries, though the circumstances were different, the suffering was the same. Students expressed that by persevering, accepting our differences and helping each other, we can change the world to the best.

Students in India and Korea took environmental solutions to the next level. A group of 5th and 6th grades from Dayanand Paradise School in Rajasthan, India, and students from Taerang and Daedeock Elementary Schools, in Korea collaborated virtually over eight weeks to identify environmental impacts in their countries and explored solutions for those problems.

Indian students shared solutions to current issues, such as pollution, drought, and fluorination. Fifth grade students from India researched the problem of smog in Delhi and other cities of India. The group stressed the need to reduce their dependency on fuel and find alternatives such as solar energy. Korean counterpart, Kim Jiwon, realized sharing ideas and solutions was necessary for both countries, saying: “We have to solve [the] problem together! And we have to prepare [a] solution”. The discussion further developed with Ko Myungbin expressing surprise in learning that her friend’s country is being affected in similar ways to her country. She said: “Wow. I think it’s a serious problem. There is air pollution in Korea, too. If we walk close by [short distances] and use public transportation it will help improve this”.

Also, Taerang and Daedeock’s students focused on solutions to rising sea level, fine dust, and micro-plastic pollution. Sixth grade Korean student Eric Shin and his group shared deep concerns regarding the fact that seafood now contains micro-plastic due to ocean plastic pollution. The group was committed to finding solutions and discovered that an utensil manufacturing industry in Korea has stopped producing plastic goods based on pubic pressure. The kids mentioned that they believe the problem can be solved and emphasized the importance of awareness in people’s daily lives and individual choices.

Working in collaboration, these elementary students showed their increased motivation in learning. Not only did they find solutions, they also shared a positive attitude their ability to make an impact . It is only possible to solve global environmental issues by working together!

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An NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council & Associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications

501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization based in New York, U.S.A.   

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