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Guest reporter: Subhajit Saha

On 15 June, Hanil High School students in Korea and Global Youth Leaders including the UN DPI Youth Representatives and NY-based NGO youth leaders convened at the annual IVECA – Global Youth Virtual Roundtable to discuss the Roles of Youth in Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Throughout the session, the participants discussed a variety of overarching questions regarding the roundtable theme, from “What are the SDGs?,” to “What would you do to contribute to achieving the SDGs?”

The second segment was commenced with words of inspiration from former United Nations Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon, “Be proud to be young. You are not the leaders of tomorrow, you are the leaders of today.” The statement can be attested to the work of Hanil IVECA Club students and Global Youth Leaders, who are contributing to Agenda 2030.

Hanil High School students are contributing to civil society efforts through grassroots initiatives at their school and community. Taewoo Kim of Hanil IVECA Club is currently working on SDG 4: Quality Education by designing programs that aim to send African children to school, who may otherwise not be able to do so due to poverty. Hyunjun Shim is supporting SDG 15: Life Below Water by raising awareness of marine life issues through campaigns at his school. Junghun Park, a firm gender equality activist, is working on achieving SDG 5: Gender Equality by promoting the sharing of domestic chores that are typically performed by women. Jiwon Baek supports SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation by informing his peers about the lack of access to clean water faces by millions in the developing water.

Global Youth Leaders are performing similar work alongside their Hanil High School counterparts in Korea, in an effort to achieve the 17 SDGs by 2030. Jadayah Spencer, Chair of UN DPI Youth Representatives’ Steering Committee is working with several NGOs to end negative stereotypes about Africa and the Black community by training Black and Latino youth to become the next generation of visionary leaders. She is also involved in teaching youth how to advocate, in addition to designing solutions for problems faced by their community. Secretary of the Steering Committee, Subhajit Saha, brings to light the issues faced by young Bangladeshi orphans through social media campaigns and outreach initiatives at the United Nations and in the private sector. Furthermore, he promotes the alignment of Education for Global Citizenship and the Together Campaign to promote respect, safety and dignity for all. His colleague of the UN DPI Youth Representatives, Aishwarya Narasimhadevara is dedicated to women’s empowerment in medicine. In addition to leading a movement pertaining to improving access to water in Zimbabwe, she is currently working with Javita Nauth, whose organization constructs a school with eco-friendly and earthquake resistant material in villages of Nepal. Javita also conducted the first young women and mental health thematic session of the Youth Forum at the 61st UN CSW session. James Corbett, through his own initiative, Project Refit, is developing a web-based communication platform that assists military members to tell their stories through YouTube videos, podcasts, blog posts, and social media.

Hanil High School Students and Global Youth Leaders completed the roundtable session with Q&A. During this time, participants discussed the possible danger of technology in hindering sustainability, in addition to the role of youth in the betterment of society at a time of tension amongst world leaders. All participants left the session with a sense of inspiration and hope, in a commitment to improving the world we live in.

A Hanil student commented, “IVECA changed my dream. I wanted to be a doctor only to make a big money, but now I want to be a doctor who helps African refugees and dedicated to treating infectious diseases through the UN or WHO.”

James, one of the youth panelists shared his reflection, “[the Global Youth Virtual Roundtable] truly had impacted me in a positive way… it was evident the experience had a positive impact on them [Korean high school students], as well. I truly believe this effort should be reached into high schools around the world.”

Jadayah, moderator of the roundtable said, “Learning from the IVECA students in Korea, gave me insight. The students posed important questions, and our discussion about overcoming obstacles towards progress was candid and eye-opening. It gave me hope, and confirmed for me that youth around the world carry the spirit of collaboration, and the hope for achieving the goals that benefit us all. It was inspiring, and I look forward to bringing in more youth from New York City to engage in these conversations.”

Colegio Americano del Sur from Guatemala and Noeun High School from Korea met virtually on June 14th in order to address current issues and suggest solutions to ensure a better future for all. The students examined together how unequal income distribution, high tuition costs and crime networks among others are detrimental to the political, educational and economic systems of their countries. The teenagers enthusiastically exchanged their views through a critical analysis and intercultural lens on these serious topics.

It is worth pointing out the commitment of the lead teachers of these two schools (Mr. Jim Dolan and Ms. Hejin Kim) and the wonderful support provided by the administrators and technology teachers of each school. The genuine desire to provide quality global education for their students demonstrated the exemplary teamwork of both schools throughout this three-month partnership. Reflecting the cooperation, respect and mindfulness between two schools, students’ live exchange celebrated an outstanding success. IVECA would like to extend a warm round of applause to the cast of this panel and its stagehands as well!


Yodeling, whistling, sending smoke signals or carrier pigeons, etc. This is not a list of weird hobbies but rather ways that were once used by humans to communicate over long-distances. Talking about long-distances, more than 7000 miles (11000 kilometers) separate Hanil High School in Korea from Bellows Free Academy in USA. To close this geographical gap, the students from these two schools decided to use more reliable and modern forms of communication.

Over the last three months, these two schools connected with one another by posting messages online through the IVECA platform. This week, these Korean and U.S. teenagers had an even more immediate interaction. After researching discrimination issues and international conflicts, they met virtually to have live exchanges of their perspectives to build a better future.

For about one hour, they held panel discussions in order to propose an action plan for equality and harmony. While the Korean panelists exposed their ideas about conflicts affecting international relations of East Asia, the young U.S. speakers focused on the African continent. To tackle various issues ranging from the controversy over Japanese Yasukuni Shrine to the illicit trade of natural resources and exotic pets in Africa, the students developed solutions based on the similar strategies. All the participants in this debate agreed that communication, diplomacy and cultural interaction will pave the way to stronger and healthier relationships between countries. One of the U.S. students reflected on her experience:

“… Doing IVECA and talking to you and your school showed me how working together with other countries can solve inequalities… In the future I hope that many of the problems and inequalities we face today are no longer an issue…  I hope that by standing up for my beliefs like the people in the Gwangju Uprising I can help stop inequalities and make a difference…” 

Of course, reducing the communication gap between different cultures is a road filled with challenges. The students themselves sometimes had a difficult time communicating with their partners due to the language barrier. But thanks to their open mindset and hard work, they made the most of this intercultural partnership. The farewell letters they exchanged at the end of their live classes demonstrate that they successfully managed to transcend cultural boundaries:

“ …We really enjoyed the activities with you. At first, it wasn’t easy to communicate in English. We searched for dictionary dozens of times to use the most appropriate expression… The activity about ‘Conflicts in history’ gave us a chance to learn about many different conflicts around the world. “ Student from Hanil High School, Korea.
“IVECA was an amazing experience for all of us here in the United States. We have enjoyed getting to know more about you and your country, and we hope you enjoyed meeting us as well. Learning about each other has helped us develop friendship skills, and learning about your country has made us closer… “ Student from Bellows Free Academy, Vermont.
“ …I encourage you to think of today’s class as not the end but a new beginning and hope for each other’s best although we are far apart.. “ Shin Insoo, Vice Principal of Hanil High School, Korea.

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© 2025 IVECA International Virtual Schooling

An NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council & Associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications

501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization based in New York, U.S.A.   

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