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What do maple syrup, drones, solar panels and ice cream have in common? Well, fourth graders from Abraham Lincoln International School in Colombia and their IVECA partners from Georgia Elementary & Middle School in the US helped us answer this question.

Indeed, they addressed these topics during their mid-December Live Classes which focused on how the respective industries of their regions use modern technologies.

Due to the fact that we live in a technology-driven world, American and Colombian students chose to explore together how technology influences their daily life. While Vermont students shared with their partner friends how modern science facilitates the manufacturing of some typical products of their area (maple syrup and ice cream), Colombian students worked, amongst others, on renewable technologies, drones and coffee industry.

By discussing throughout this semester how new technologies are creating massive changes in their regions, these students clearly increased their knowledge about industrial science. Students also had opportunities to build intercultural understanding of the technological impact on people’s life.  Abraham Lincoln School’s principal commented about their experience at the end of this three-month partnership:

“Educating children with a humanistic approach has been set as a priority and in that direction we cherish the possibility to establish interaction with people from different cultures. Today we praise greatly the chance you have provided us. It’s been an awesome experience working with you and IVECA organization these sessions that have contributed to expanding our intercultural understanding. Tons of thanks and may this be the first of many similar experiences.” –  Ms. Rocio Mongui

Noeun High School and Instituto de Educação respectively from Korea and Brazil, met virtually on Tuesday 22th November in order to discuss sustainable development and renewable energy. Mr. Jonghyuk Keun (Korea) and Ms. Michele Wilbert (Brazil), in collaboration with a Brazilian geography teacher displayed their commitment to make the class successful.

For one hour and a half, the Korean and Brazilian students enjoyed participating in debates about renewable energy, its different advantages and disadvantages. The students exchanged points of view, presented arguments and raised questions concerning diverse types of renewable energy such as hydraulic and nuclear energy. Other than scientific discussions, students had the opportunity of giving artistic performances that reveal some cultural aspects in their countries. As clearly seen on their faces, students were amazed by each other’s shows which opened their eyes to different lifestyles.

All for intercultural competence, this Live Class made students aware of many aspects of renewable energy that concern their countries. Undoubtedly, these kinds of learning experiences  will contribute to raising a generation that is conscious of environmental issues affecting our planet, and that is capable of discussing, analyzing and finding solutions for these challenging


On November 15th, students from Hoover High School (US) and Daejeon Jeonmin High School (South Korea) engaged in a memorable World Speech Contest as part of their long-awaited live class. This virtual session was the closing ceremony of a semester-long exchange where these high school students shared their thoughts on current issues related to their countries and identified possible solutions.

During this one-hour contest, six teams presented speeches based on literature and articles examining topics ranging from witchcraft and comfort women to political scandals. The presentations were followed by question and answer sessions and culminated with the selection of the winning speech for each country. But, of course, such a ceremony would not have been complete without artistic performances! While on the US side, Taylor Swift and ukulele were honored, South Korean students decided, for their part, to share their passion for danso (a traditional musical instrument) as well as for K-Pop (Korean popular music).

Throughout this fall semester, all these future global leaders exemplified the essence of the IVECA program; a respectful exchange of knowledge and culture. This is why IVECA would like to give a big round of applause to all the participants of the World Speaker Award Competition!

Thank you for your contagious enthusiasm and your remarkable partnership!

And the winner is…global citizenship!

Thanks for submitting!

© 2025 IVECA International Virtual Schooling

An NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council & Associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications

501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization based in New York, U.S.A.   

Email:   Tel: +1 917-720-3124

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