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The IVECA Virtual Classroom is an online intercultural exchange platform where students around the world study topics ranging from science and technology, to social studies, languages, and the arts through an integrated curriculum with common learning objectives. One of the most exciting parts of the program is the “Live Class” where students meet “face to face” and communicate directly with their partners through IVECA’s online video platform. The interaction increases students motivation, help them think globally and develop their intercultural communicative competence.

On October 20th, Fletcher Elementary School (USA) and Ssangryu Elementary School (KOREA) held their first Live Class of the semester.  The session allowed the students to introduce themselves and begin getting to know one another as they prepare for their upcoming semester project. The students could not contain their excitement when seeing one another for the first time on screen. Ms. Underwood and Mr. Hong (lead teachers from each school) facilitated the Live Class discussion to enable the students to communicate effectively.

During the question and answer session, the students talked about a wide range of subjects with their partners, including culture, geographical characteristics, language, school schedules, lifestyles, and traditional food among others. Throughout the session, students shared what they have learned about differences and similarities between their respective cultures, socialized and celebrated their new global friendships.

We look forward to seeing these students continue to learn and grow together as the semester progresses.

IVECA Founder Dr. Eunhee Jung gave a speech about “Interculturally Competent Global Youth for the Sustainable Development Goals” at the Global Youth Summit held on August 9, 2016. Virtually invited students from Jeonmin high school in Korea, presented what they learned by studying collaboratively with partner schools in various countries including USA, Tunisia, Brazil, and Papua New Guinea through the IVECA (Intercultural Virtual Exchange of Classroom Activities) program.

Jeonmin students shared that IVECA provides them with opportunities to compare diverse perspectives of people in different countries and to learn similarities and differences in their perspectives. The program helps understand social and environmental issues in their own country as well as in the world. Most importantly, students appreciated that IVECA enables them to collaborate and find solutions to make a better world. They also learned that youth should keep paying attention to global issues and think about what they can do.

UN Youth Leaders Engage High School Students in Korea for Achieving the SDGs Together through IVECA-Global Youth Virtual Roundtable

On July 13, Youth leaders working at the UN or NGOs associated with the UN met virtually with Jeonmin high school students in Daejeon, Korea and discussed what roles youth can play to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The inspiring dialogue between global youth leaders and Korean students took place through IVECA’s Global Youth Virtual Roundtable.

The goal of the Virtual Roundtable was to facilitate understanding of the SDGs and promote youth involvement in achieving gl📷obal agenda to make a better world. Four distinguished youth panelists presented about the SDGs and shared their passion and groundwork to contribute to the goal achievement. Jeonmin High School students also introduced the IVECA global project they worked collaboratively with their partner country students over three years.

Following the Kyeongju Action Plan from the 66th UN DPI/NGO Conference on Education for Global Citizenshipheld in Korea this May, IVECA initiated the Virtual Roundtable with the youth in New York and Korea. The initiative successfully demonstrated potential to inspire youth from different countries to get involved in actions for the SDGs. Both youth leaders and Korean high school students commented on their experiences as below:

“Before this Roundtable, I thought we are only high school students and there would not be much for us to actually do for the world. After going through this conversation, I realized we have a responsibility as youth in making impact for the better world and there are many things we can do with our capacity!” – A Jeonmin high school student

“It was definitely a life changing experience. I went into the room being scared, however, I left feeling confident that my peers felt similar frustrations [about the global issues] and wanted to play a role in combating the issues that threaten society today. During the chat, I felt comfortable enough to release my passion, which I felt that my fellow peers did as well. I definitely think that this initiative should be continued by IVECA.” – Youth leader S.

“Thank you very much for giving the opportunity to partake in the virtual classroom event. It was a wonderful experience. I hope we are able to do it again. It was inspirational!” – Youth leader A.

“How effective IVECA Virtual Roundtable was able to bridge the distance in connecting to students half away around the world! My one other suggestion would be: “Let’s do it again!”  – Youth leader J.

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© 2025 IVECA International Virtual Schooling

An NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council & Associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications

501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization based in New York, U.S.A.   

Email:   Tel: +1 917-720-3124

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