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IVECA Team is very excited to invite Jubilee Secondary and Boroko Primary schools in Paupua New Guinea (PNG) in our International Virtual Schooling from April, 2015. We also appreciate that our global coordinator, Ms. Aline Wilbert, physically visit PNG and stay with them to  support their participation. Through the enthusiasm from the school teachers and administrators, we believe this project will be successful to benefit the students in PNG.

It was challenging to install and improve the Internet connectivity of the schools; however, thanks to the cooperation from the high school administration and the donation from a local organization (Salvation Army), the schools are getting ready to go for this semester. They will work with four high schools and four elementary schools in South Korea for this semester until July.

We thank all the involved supporters and organization who made this happen and can’t wait to see the outcomes of the project with them!


Innovative educators from INSTITUIÇÃO EVANGÉLICA DE NOVO HAMBURGO schools in Brazil participated in IVECA’s Virtual Teacher Professional Development (IVECA-TPD) in May 6th. This semester, both private and public school from Brazil started IVECA program and they will work with elementary schools in Korea until mid July, 2015.

During the IVECA-TPD session, the teachers said,

“I want my students to learn to respect the differences among different cultures. I also want them to develop the intercultural competence and learn how to work in collaboration with one another……. I am excited about working in collaboration with other teachers from my school as well as teachers from the partner school. I am also excited about providing this opportunity for the students.” – Ms. Danielle B.

“I am very happy to have this opportunity of participating on Iveca Program. I think this will be a great chance to develop learning environments that will promote culture awareness, collaboration and foreign language learning. I expect to be able to provide students with as many ways of interaction and to broadly integrate curriculum areas  with the partner school. I’m looking forward to living this experience.”  – Ms. Janina M.

We look forward to working with these wonderful teachers for the students in Brazil!

IVECA Global Learning Opportunity a Success at GEMS!

Target 3 – Flexible Learning Environments. FWSU will maximize flexible learning environments by redefining the school day, promoting learning experiences that extend beyond the school classroom, and fostering creativity, innovation, and differentiated learning opportunities for all.

Action Step – Increase access to resources for all students using digital tools making learning more accessible for diverse learners.

Indicator of Success – Staff, students and community embrace the digital, social, mobile and “always on” learning styles of 21st century students.

Students in Mr. Mahoney’s seventh grade have enjoyed participating in the IVECA program, which promotes global learning and intercultural competence based on the FWSU Action Plan. The GEMS seventh graders were matched with a class in South Korea. Students were paired with others in their partner class in South Korea. The last few months involved spending class time corresponding with their partner, and sharing about American and Korean cultures and traditions. The class recently celebrated a culminating event where both groups communicated with eachother using Skype. The students enjoyed seeing their partner student virtually.

Here are some of our student’s reflections:  Read more

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© 2024 IVECA International Virtual Schooling

An NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council & Associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications

501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization based in New York, U.S.A.   

Email:   Tel: +1 917-720-3124

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