IVECA Global Learning Opportunity a Success at GEMS!
Target 3 – Flexible Learning Environments. FWSU will maximize flexible learning environments by redefining the school day, promoting learning experiences that extend beyond the school classroom, and fostering creativity, innovation, and differentiated learning opportunities for all.
Action Step – Increase access to resources for all students using digital tools making learning more accessible for diverse learners.
Indicator of Success – Staff, students and community embrace the digital, social, mobile and “always on” learning styles of 21st century students.
Students in Mr. Mahoney’s seventh grade have enjoyed participating in the IVECA program, which promotes global learning and intercultural competence based on the FWSU Action Plan. The GEMS seventh graders were matched with a class in South Korea. Students were paired with others in their partner class in South Korea. The last few months involved spending class time corresponding with their partner, and sharing about American and Korean cultures and traditions. The class recently celebrated a culminating event where both groups communicated with eachother using Skype. The students enjoyed seeing their partner student virtually.
Here are some of our student’s reflections: Read more