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In February 2013, the United Nations Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) recommended to grant Special Consultative Status to IVECA Center for International Virtual Schooling.  The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) approved the recommendation in July 2013. Mr. Andrei Abramov, Chief of the NGO Branch, congratulated IVECA Center in its letter of approval.

“I am pleased to inform you that the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) at its Substantive Session of July 2013 adopted the recommendation of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to grant Special consultative status to your organization, Center for International Virtual Schooling. On behalf of all staff of the Non-Governmental Organizations Branch, please accept our heartfelt congratulations.”      

Georgia Elementary School teacher, Ms. Sullivan is preparing to start the IVECA Live Class with her partner school teacher Ms. Yoon at Charmsam Elementary School in South Korea

GEMS Students Connect with Classrooms in South Korea June 4, 2013 (from FWSU district’s official blog)

Target 1 – Student-Centered Learning FWSU students will engage in personalized learning involving collaborative inquiry, problem solving and creative learning opportunities.

Action Step –  Increase easily accessible opportunities for global collaboration for teachers and students

Last night at Georgia Elementary and Middle Schools (GEMS) students from three fourth grade classrooms culminated a three-month international virtual exchange with three classrooms in South Korea. The program was sponsored by IVECA (The Center for International Virtual Schooling). IVECA is non-profit organization that is committed to promoting cultural competence in schools all over the world…

“Our experience with IVECA has been a great success! Students were engaged, motivated, and excited about their learning. EVERY student established a lead role with their counterpart and took on new roles and responsibilities while communicating weekly. Smiles, laughter, and joy filled our fourth grade classrooms as they communicated across the world with their new friends.” – Principal Steve Emery

Read full stories about: Georgia Elementary and Middle Schools’ experience here and Bellow Free Academy’s here.


Updated: Jun 20, 2019

Eric Gross

….. Jung explained that her group was dedicated to connecting K-12 classrooms in order to promote “global collaborative learning by supporting educators and allowing them to engage in 21st century globalized learning, while assisting children in both developed and developing countries to share quality education together through an intercultural virtual exchange.”

Both Pinkerton (principal) and Constantinides (4th grade teacher), veteran educators, described the program as being exceptional. “Talk about global learning! What a great way to conclude your ‘senior’ year in elementary school” said Pinkerton.

Constantinedes agreed: “My kids haven’t been as excited all year as they are tonight. Interacting with others their own age half way around the world about topics ranging from music, habits, art and hobbies to American and Korea historical heroes is something they will always remember.”

Nine-year-old Megan Young and Jonathan Schanil enjoyed the moment. “ This is totally cool.” Said Megan while Jonathan added, “My dad never had anything like this when he attended this school.”

The full story will be available at Putnam County Courier News. Press release in Korea:

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© 2025 IVECA International Virtual Schooling

An NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council & Associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications

501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization based in New York, U.S.A.   

Email:   Tel: +1 917-720-3124

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